
Docufiction serie:

11 Tiros

Collaboration with Beta Entertainment Spain for HBO in crafting a series of illustrations to enhance recreation filming.

Technique: colored pencils, ink and pastels on Canson 125 paper.

/ 2022 /


for S:01 E:02 Aitor Zabaleta caído en el frente

A compelling series of courtroom illustrations capturing the judicial procedings surrounding the tragic murder of Aitor Zabaleta.

Jury Question.

Mixed technique.

Laura Nunez. 2022.

District attorney.

Mixed technique.

Laura Nunez. 2022.

Surprise witness.

Mixed technique.

Laura Nunez. 2022.

Witness retracts.

Mixed technique.

Laura Nunez. 2022.


for S:01 E:01 Maradona and The Tentacies of The Mafia

Illustration depicting the scape plan through the sewers by the thieves who stole Maradona's Ballon d'Or.

The Theftscape Map detail.

Ink and watercolor markers.

Laura Nunez. 2022.

The Theftscape Map detail.

Ink and watercolor markers.

Laura Nunez. 2022.

The Theftscape Map detail.

Ink and watercolor markers.

Laura Nunez. 2022.

The Theftscape Map detail.

Ink and watercolor markers.

Laura Nunez. 2022.

Constructive Visions Book, funded by National Geographic Society

I am part of a group of over 50 international National Geographic Explorers and collaborators who developed the Constructive Visions Book. This creativo book, funded by the National Geographic Society, includes multi-serve stories, art and calls to actions. The book contains a series of chapters that discuss the positive charges that were (are) emerging from this globally shared experience of the pandemic. Each chapter reflects on essential aspects of our existence (i.e., Nature, Knowledge, Indigenous Voices, Sea Pollution, Sustainable food chains, Climate, Wildlife, Resilience and Education) and what a sustainable future can look like from the COVID challenges and learnings.

My mission as co-author and illustrator of the chapters The Future of Nature and The Future of Knowledge was to express through my stories and watercolors the complexity of the connection between communities and nature across thress stories and illustrate nine postcards sent by representatives of different knowledge systems, including indigenous knowledge, on how the pandemic change their world.

/ 2020 /

From chapter one:

The Future of Nature.

Three interwoven stories - in Peru, Thailand and Canada - that teach us about the connection between humans and nature.

Open eye.

Mixed technique.

Laura Nunez. 2020.


Mixed technique.

Laura Nunez. 2020.

Empty Cusco.

Mixed technique.

Laura Nunez. 2020.

From chapter two:

Relationship with Nature.

Nine postcards sent to a Marquesian anthropologist in 2025, reflecting on what we have learned during the trying years of the pandemic.

Mo'orean Stingrays.


Laura Nunez. 2020.



Laura Nunez. 2020.

Collective Consiousness.

Watercolour and Ink.

Laura Nunez. 2021.